
February 11th~


February 4th~

      IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  I also gave blood today, which makes me a very important person.  I was talking to Tony today, and he said that when it gets really hot in his room, he takes of all of his clothes does jumping jacks until he gets really sweaty, then he slides around on the floor.  Then, he makes ramen and dumps it all over the floor (that is still damp with sweat) and then picks the ramen back up one noodle at a time with his butt-cheeks and puts it back in the bowl.  And the really gross part is that he puts the meat flavoring on it!!  How disgusting!!  Who would ever want the taste of meat in their mouth?!  It's so revolting it makes me want to upchuck!  It's so hard to live in such an imperfect world.

February 3rd~

       The Super Bowl was tonight; ugh!!  As if anyone would be interested in watching a bunch of overgrown potbellied pigs tumble all over each other in front of millions of cheering idiots!  The whole thing made me want to upchuck!  In more interesting news, I left my cup in the drum room today!!!  I don't know what I'm going to do!!  Right now I'm thirsty, but I can't get any water because I don't have my cup!!  I went to breakfast ten minutes early today so I could be first in line at the waffle machine, but Katya went straight to the waffles; so I had to wait three minutes!  The whole situation made me very uncomfortable!  I had some cheese tonight!  It was tasty!!  I gave some to Tony!!  Tony said that sometimes, when nobody else is around, he likes to taste the sweat from his crotch!  Ack!  I almost upchucked all over him!!  Then he started telling me how talented Jonathan Taylor Thomas is, so I told him to go and buy a big piece of toast!

February 2nd~     7,000 Leagues

       Nicole visited today; it was nice to see her; but I must admit that her presence made me a little uncomfortable.  David, Melodie, Nicole and I made a cheesecake.  It was a Jello nobake deal that you just mix up the ingredients and put it in the fridge for an hour.  To make the crust, we had to add their crust mix, six tablespoons of butter (fattygross!), one and a half cups of sugar and one tablespoon of water.  To make the filling all we had to do was add milk, but we didn't have any milk, so we had to borrow some from Travis.  It was 2%.  We didn't eat the cheesecake until after dinner, then we washed the pan and the forks in the sink in the kitchen.

February 1st~     10,000 Leagues

      I gave a presentation in my English class today; it was on a character from a very important and meaningful play.  I did a very in-depth analysis.  Some other people's presentations were awful, though.  I can't believe there are people who can be so disinterested when it comes to such classic works of literature!  It ignites a fire inside me that makes me want to stand up and shout at all of them; "How can you all be so shallow?  Why don't you enjoy these plays?  They have, after all, received many awards and are critically acclaimed, so they therefore must be very interesting!"  People make me so frustrated!

January 31st~    7,000 Leagues

     I went to service learning today but Stacey, the chief of police, said there was nothing he needed me to do and that I should just go home, so I walked all the way back to the school in the freezing cold and the wind and I had forgotten my scarf and later I realized that I had left my backpack in the hallway outside the cafeteria and when I went looking for it it was gone and I had to wait around for a while before I found someone who knew where it was and they told me it was in the MSSM office so I went down there and found it and brought it back to the dorm and then I did some homework.

January 30th~    5,000 Leagues

       In English class today; we had an essay test; which was fun because I got to write a lot.  I like writing because it gives me a chance to express my feelings in words.  Yup.  Expressing myself is good.  I like it good.  I wrote about a play we read.  It was a good play.  I gave David some tea tonight; Jasmine Green.  The Jasmine is crazy because it tastes like a flower, but you wake up the morning after drinking it and have to pee like nobody's business, but then there's no pee.  It's nuts.  I like the new format of this page.  It is good.

January 29th~    20,000 Leagues

        I don;t know where to begin.  In the lounge tonight, I watched our "fearless leader" declare World War III.  Watching his speech, I was forced to reflect inward upon my inner self and reevaluate exactly what I think life is all about.  I first had to consider that the wahoo on TV was getting repeated ovations while spouting nonsense and advocating cultural assimilation.  I then had to wonder why and how this man could possibly be speaking for at least 51% of the country I reluctantly call home.  I knew that I was against just about everything he stands for, but I realized I was unsure what I stood for.  I had to re-judge my values; restate my purpose; and reread the tenets of my religion.  I'm not sure exactly where all this cerebral wandering is taking me, but say tuned for updates.

January 28th~

        I was hungry all day today.  I ate lots of stuff; but I was still hungry later!  WTF!?  Jon Spera just said that he likes wearing really tight underwear...weird.

January 27th~

        Just got back to school!  I thought that I had a math test tomorrow, but then I found out it's not until Tuesday!  Phew!  Now I'll finally get some free time; hopefully.

January 26th~

        Went to a coffee shop out on India Street today; I had tea; blackberry spice.  The only problem was that to get there, I had to walk past Miccucci's Market; an Italian grocery store I had applied for a Summer job at once.  They wouldn't hire me because they're anti-Semitic, and walking past there again made me very uncomfortable.

January 25th~

        I bought a new tea infuser today; I'm so excited!  I bought it at the Public Market; which made me uncomfortable because they have several butchers there selling murdered animal tisue; and I take offense to having my senses assaulted by death everytime I want to buy tea.

January 24th~

        Just got home!  I had to ride for upwards of six hours on the bus; what a nightmare!  The bus driver stopped at the gas station in Newport instead of at the Subway; so I had to cross the street, which made me very uncomfortable.  I had a Vegie-D-Light so I wouldn't be a murderer.

January 23rd~

        Went to my first real ceramics class today!  We're making Chinese tea cups, which is very exciting for me for two reasons.  The first reason is that I was thinking of getting a new tea cup anyway, and now I get one for free!  The other is that, as a refined, sophisticated person, foreign cultures hold a lot of interest for me.  I feel after making this tea cup as if I am now a part of Chinese culture and society.  You could even say that I feel one eighth Chinese.  Looking at our materialistic society from my perspective as an ethnically diverse foreigner just makes the inequalities of our social structure more apparent.  If only those conservative bastards in Washington could see the world through my Asian eyes...

January 22nd~

        Dan says he started the crossword puzzle in the Bangor Daily without me today.  I can't believe he would totally disregard my feelings like that.  It's like stabbing me in the back and then showing the gory dagger to me.  It makes me so angry that the only thing I can take solace in is the fact that you; my readers; sympathize with me.  

January 21st~

        Such a busy day today!  I had ALL FOUR of my classes today and have no time at all to do anything.  Nope; completely and utterly out of time for anything than work.  No time for any recreational or social activities.  Zero time.  Practically negative time.  Yup, it's hell having no time at all to do anything...not to be able to enjoy a sunset or write a poem about our fascist government.  No time to relax; imagine!  Oh, how I wish I had more time!  Yet, alas, I have not a moment to spare.  Not a moment at all.  Alas.  

January 20th~

        I read a play today about the American family durring the depression.  They could not have possibly been as depressed and artistic as I am.  PS My hemorrhoids are acting up again; grrrrrrrrr!

January 19th~

        I was very impressed this morning at brunch when the new food service unveiled the new make;your;own;waffle;bar.  I had a waffle.  I also had two boxes of low-fat milk and one box of chocolate milk.  Devin borrowed one of my cups today to drink out of; I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that.

January 18th~

        I clipped the fingernails on my left hand today, but not the right hand or the left thumb; they didn't need it.  I'm so excited for the Amnesty themed weekend tonight!  I can't wait to hear all about why we should stop aiding our allies in the Middle East and why we shouldn't retaliate when we are attacked; it's going to be great.  

January 17th~

        Went to Service Learning today; I work in the town office with the police department; but Stacey; the Chief; wasn't there; he was at a training seminar; so I didn't have to do anything!  Cole added me to the MSSM Circuit last night.  David called me "dawg" today; I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that.  Oh ya!  We had chicken nuggets and happy faces for lunch today; I thought we weren't going to have any more processed foods!?  Who would want to eat a living creature anyway?  The world is such an awful place. :(

NEWS FLASH!!!    January 16th~

        We just had a fire alarm!  It was so crazy!  We all went to the cafeteria and I sat next to David

January 16th~

        Posted my site today.  Showered in the bathroom with the new shower curtain with the ducks on it.

January 15th~

        I just remembered that I have a web page!  I forgot all about it after that first 20 minutes.  I only have four classes now so I can dedicate myself to webmastering!  I can't wait for other people to see this.

October 22nd~

        Started a web page today, it's gonna be great, I'm going to do nothing but work on it for the next few weeks!


all the small things

true care  truth brings

i'll take  one lift

your ride  best trip

always  i know

you'll be  at my show

watching  waiting



say it ain't so

i will not go

turn the lights off

carry me home


Late night  come home

works sucks  i know

she left me roses
 by the stairs

surprised let me
 know she cares


say it  ain't so

i will not go 

turn the lights off 

carry me home

keep your head still 

i'll be your thrill

the night will go on

my little windmill   
--Blink 182